
10 Enduring Theories About Edgar Allen Poe And His Mysterious Death

On October 3rd, 1849, Edgar Allen Poe was found in a delirious state outside of Gunner's Hall Tavern in Baltimore. He had been missing for the past week, and was wearing someone else's tattered clothes. Four days later, on October 7th, Poe died at the age of 40 in Washington College Hospital.

The iconic American author received no autopsy, and the only account of his final days comes from his doctor, John Joseph Moran. As a result, the cause of Poe's death is unknown, and the theories range from sickness, to kidnapping, to murder. 

Before he went missing, Poe was on a trip from Richmond to New York City, on his way to marry Elmira Shelton. He never made it. 

When Poe was found in Baltimore, he requested help from magazine editor Joseph E. Snodgrass, although that might have been a poor decision. Snodgrass sent him to Moran, and the pair repeatedly altered their stories in the subsequent years, each for apparent personal gain. 

Poe's literary estate fell to Rufus Wilmot Griswold, a former rival, and Wilmot used the opportunity to drag Poe's reputation in a future biography. Much of Poe's modern perception comes from this account, and is thus likely incorrect. 

Edgar Allen Poe's death is equal parts tragic, and mysterious. Here are 10 possible reasons why it happened. 

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